Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Scorched Earth

Jack was completely wrong in this episode. I know he was trying to save the Enkarans, but he had no right to doom an entire race. He should have been smarter than that. I have a feeling the bomb wouldn’t have even worked.

Lotan, the Gadmeer robot, was a neat character. I thought Daniel’s discussions about fulfilling his true purpose were well done. He seemed to be genuinely torn between his sympathetic feelings for the Enkarans and his programmed directives. I’m glad he found a place to stay.

I’m surprised we never heard from the Gadmeer after this episode. They could have been useful allies. It’s not like the team met that many advanced lizard races with big, honkin’ spaceships.

My Rating: 5/10


Aabye said...

Even though everything worked out alright in the end, I don't know if the Gadmeer would be falling all over to ally themselves with the people who attempted to blow them to bits.

Crunchymamma said...

I didn't really like this episode. It was strange, and Jack was slightly obnoxious.

Crunchymamma said...

Hey man, what is your favourite SG-1 and atlantis character, and what are your favourite colours?

HelloVelo said...


SG-1: Sam
Atlantis: Zelenka

Colors: This is going to sound silly, but I like tree colors. Rich greens, dark browns, and warm oranges in the fall. Does that make sense?

Kind of an odd question.