Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Other Side

The debate in this episode was a little heavy-handed, and I was surprised Daniel didn’t even bring up the idea of peace negotiations. That certainly would have been less messy than influencing the outcome of a war. Even if the talks failed, the team would have learned more about the conflict.

So what would you do? You can help the space racists and gain access to their technology or turn your back and let them die. Neither action was morally satisfying, but many decisions in life are like that.

Those flight simulator things were neat. It’s a shame they turned people into zombies. I loved how Jack checked his jaw when got out.

Hydroponically grown yeast. Yummy!

My Rating: 5/10


Aabye said...

I'm a sucker for the moral dilemma episodes, so I like this one. But I thought it was rather odd that they didn't ask who they were fighting first. But then they rarely meet people so willing to help.

No, it would have been morally wrong for them to help the "space racists", but Sam's face at the end said it all when Jack closed the iris on the guy.

Anonymous said...

The Eurodans should have gone back in time to say USA 1950's they would have been welcomed with open arms - racist policy and all.