Sunday, June 1, 2008


I really enjoyed this episode. The Tollan were introduced, Maybourne made his first appearance, and the Nox saved the day. Hey, Sam even kissed a dude. 

The Tollan, led by a balding jerk named Omac, were found moments before death by SG-1. The team rescued them and brought them back to Earth. The highly advanced Tollan were stranded, because their new home world was outside the stargate network. 

Colonel Maybourne then arrived at the SGC to take control of the Tollan. He planned to use them as forced intellectual labors in an effort to develop new weapons. He played a predictable bad guy in this episode, but he later becomes one of my favorite characters. Everyone loves to hate Maybourne. 

While the Tollan were stuck on Earth, Narim took an interest in Sam. He dropped a couple of cheesy lines on her, and she gave him a cat. God, somebody should buy her a book of dating advice. She’s just not very good with boys. 

Those two eventually did a little smooching but were interrupted by Daniel, who was busy trying to save the Tollan. His “whoops” in this scene was comic genius. Well played, sir. Well played. 

Lya, the female Nox, showed up at the end to save the Tollan from Maybourne. Omac finally dropped the jerk routine to thank Daniel. Then Lya did a neat trick to open the gate and disarm the soldiers trying to prevent an escape. 

This was a great episode, but who picked out the silver jumpsuits? I mean come on. Also, Omac was a little too annoying in the beginning. 

My Rating: 9/10

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