Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One False Step

This might be the single worst episode the franchise ever produced. It was terrible. 

Rather than harp on how much I wanted to see those pale, bald, short, nearly naked pod people die, I’ll try to say something positive. Well… there was some classic interaction between Jack and Daniel. It’s also cute to know Sam talks to her plants. And I thought it was funny when Daniel was running around the hut trying to imitate a UAV. 

None of that made up for a really boring plot or the annoying characters. How come there were no female pod people running around?

My Rating: 1/10


Crunchymamma said...

I wondered the same about the female pod people. How do they reproduce? I don't think this was the WORST episode... I think title should be reserved for "Space Race"

Raven said...

I loved this episode! There was a great Daniel/Jack moment in there, and the ending was amazing!

HelloVelo said...

What part of the ending was "amazing"? The flowers?

Crunchymamma said...

Have you allready seen all the episode, and you are just watching them again? Or is this the first time you've seen it?

HelloVelo said...

Were you asking me? Yes, I've seen all the episodes before.

Kirsty said...

I like this one! The aliens are interesting, they have an interesting relationship with the plants, and I like their singing.

We're assuming they're 'male' because they are obviously played by human male actors. But they're not human. They also don't have human male bits ;-)

So my guess is that they are actually a mixture of male and female, but either there is no visible difference or (like lots of animals) there is no obvious visible difference to humans that are unfamiliar with them.